Whistleblowing Procedure
The Whistleblowing Procedure within Smith&Smith supports our commitment to effective management, being vital for managers and employees to adhere to the highest ethical standards in performing their professional responsibilities, while balancing the legitimate interests of Smith&Smith with the fundamental rights of employees.
The email address integritate@smith-smith.ro allows individuals who are not part of Smith&Smith to communicate information obtained in a professional context, with the aim of preventing potential events or revealing details about events that have already occurred, related to the operation of Smith&Smith and/or the management of Smith&Smith or its works sites and which constitute violations of internal regulations and/or legal provisions, including those outlined in Annex 2 of Law 361/2022.
All reports are treated confidentially and in accordance with current regulations. Individuals making reports are protected against retaliation as provided by the applicable legislation.
For further details, please refer to the policy on the protection of personnel reporting legal violations, whistleblowers in the public interest (available here).
I confirm that I have read and understood the information regarding the whistleblowing channel and personal data protection..
Public interest whistleblowing form
Integrity Whistleblower Guide