With Smith Express it's easy to be with your loved ones when they need you. Transfer money instantly to Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
Romania, Republic of Moldova
Receiving money
The currency in which you can send or receive money in Romania: RON, EURO, GBP or USD
The currency in which you can receive the money in the Republic of Moldova: MLD, EURO, GBP or USD. See amount limits.
Advantageous currency exchange rate
At Smith&Smithagencies, you can receive or send money in a currency other than the one in which you received the money or the one in which you want to make the transfer.

- How do you send money from Romania?

Find an agency
See the list of locations Smith&Smith and agents Smith&Smith.
See the list of VICTORIABANK and Maib in the Republic of Moldova
Specify the transfer details
Make sure you have an original and valid ID with you and provide the beneficiary's details, amount and currency of payment*. Learn more.
Send money instantly
The money is transferred instantly to Romania or the Republic of Moldova
*In some cases, we may need to request additional documents or information to complete the money transfer.
- How do you get the money?

Find an agency
See the list of locations Smith&Smith and agents Smith&Smith.
See the list of VICTORIABANK and Maib in the Republic of Moldova
Specify the transfer details
Make sure you have an original and valid ID with you and provide the beneficiary's details, amount and currency of payment*. Learn more.
Pick up the money instantly
You can pick up the money from Romania or the Republic of Moldova as soon as the transfer has been registered.
*In some cases, we may need to request additional documents or information to complete the money transfer.
- Taxes and commissions
Full list of Standard Commission Rates Smith&Smith Standard Fees here.
Fees are standard and paid only by the sender.
For more information, you can call us at 031 433 88 00 or send us an e-mail at claims@smith-smith.ro.
- Frequently asked questions
You need an original and valid identity document
Recipient's full name
The country and town where you want to send the money
*In some cases, we may need to request additional documents or information to complete the money transfer.
You need an original and valid identity document
Transfer reference number
The full name of the person who sent you money
The country/locality from which he sent money
Amount and currency
*In some cases, we may need to request additional documents or information to complete the money transfer.
Transfers among Smith&Smith agencies in Romania over EUR 7 000 or the equivalent of this amount in RON, GBP or USD can be made by presenting supporting documents of the source of the funds (bank account statement, sale-purchase contract, insurance policy receipt, etc.)
From Romania to the Republic of Moldova you can send a maximum of EUR 4 000 or the equivalent of this amount in RON, GBP or USD without supporting documents. Money can be withdrawn in EUR or USD at Victoriabank, Smith&Smith agent or Maib.